Training for new pot holder design in Milot

Training for new pot holder design in Milot
New Design Training

Sunday 19 February 2012

  • Sitting at the Hotel Roi Christophe, my internet source in Cap Haitien, on this Sunday evening.  Spent most of today sitting in the garden crunching numbers for pot holder costs and production.  
  • On Thursday and Friday, women from the Milot Co-op came to Cap Haitien to work with our newest co-op - a group of students from a UN sponsored program.  It was great to see the support and cooperation between both groups.   
  • I hope to receive another shipment of fabric and batting tomorrow via IBC Airlines that I can drop off before leaving for home on Tuesday.   
  • This work is exciting - but the most meaningful time is when I meet with co-op members each trip.  That's when I'm reminded that this isn't just a fun adventure for me, it's a life changing opportunity for these women - and their children.  I went from coming to Haiti for a look to operating a real business in what feels like the blink of an eye.  So quickly that I'm not sure I fully understood the weight of my commitment to a group of women that are so deserving.